About the WCRG

The Wolfson Contemporary Reading Group (WCRG) is a book club founded at Wolfson College, Cambridge in 2005. The Group meets monthly to discuss a piece of contemporary writing chosen by those present at the previous meeting. While novels are usually chosen, the Group has also discussed short story collections and some biographical writing in the past, and is always open to exploring alternative literary forms. The chronological limits of 'contemporary' are not strictly defined, giving the Group scope to consider a wide range of literature, from the latest thriller to a neglected literary work.

The WCRG is open to all Wolfson members and readers are free to attend meetings, as and when they can. Some members come along when a book particularly appeals, while others use the Group as an opportunity to explore works they might not otherwise choose to read. Members are encouraged to air their opinions frankly and to give each book a rating out of ten.

The reading group format works particularly well in Wolfson, a cosmopolitan college community which brings together people from widely different backgrounds and subject areas. Every reader brings their own perspective to a book and the aim of the reading group is to provide a warm and inviting atmosphere in which to air these views and generate lively discussion. This is a group for book lovers and serious highbrow literary criticism isn't expected - everyone is free to contribute as much, or as little, as they choose.

Meetings are conducted on Wednesdays at 7:30pm in Plommer A and are accompanied by a selection of wines, juices and nibbles. Members who are unable to attend are encouraged to email their comments and rating in advance of the meeting.

The WCRG also features on the Wolfson College Societies page:

Picture courtesy of the Wolfson College, Cambridge Facebook page.

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