Thursday, 24 March 2016

March book review: 'The Rosie Project', by Graeme Simsion

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Book: The Rosie Project, Graeme Simsion

Publication date: 2013

WCRG meeting: 23 March 2016

Rating: 6.8

The lighthearted nature of Graeme Simsion’s ‘charming’ book seemed to infuse the reading group last night, as all were in particularly high spirits while discussing The Rosie Project. It may not be a great work of literature, but the majority of the members who read The Rosie Project enjoyed it enormously. One reader memorably remarked that the book is ‘funny as a fit’ and that she regularly thought ‘I know that person’ while reading it. Those who responded less favourably to the book were disappointed by the predictability of the romantic plot line, with one reader commenting that it was something of a ‘one joke book’ where they grew weary of the repetitious Asperger joke.

Comparisons to the TV show The Big Bang Theory and Mark Haddon’s bestselling The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime were also made, with some readers preferring the more adult insights provided in The Rosie Project. Two or three readers found it to be very similar to the TV show and were not surprised that the book began life as a screenplay, with its focus on humorous, if somewhat unrealistic occurrences.

While the majority enjoyed the novel immensely, all admitted that the plot was predictable, especially as Don’s relationship with Rosie progressed. No one really doubted that Don would end up with Rosie in the end (it is called The Rosie Project after all), but many found the speed with which Don changed his thinking and way of life unbelievable. All save one member agreed that Rosie’s ‘father project’ is the weakest part of the novel. Most found that particular plot at best confusing, at worst completely irrelevant. Only one reader was intrigued by Rosie’s search to learn the identity of her biological father and satisfied with its denouement. Some readers expressed incredulity at the lengths Rosie, but particularly Don, was willing to go to in order to test all of the DNA samples, particularly considering the ethical lines he was wiling to cross.

The insights into university life and the political scheming which goes on in academe were felt to be particularly well-observed, and Don’s refusal to conform to these social codes of conduct (such as with the student who plagiarised part of his assignment) was a source of amusement. Don’s comically awkward interactions with women were also a strength of the novel, particularly in scenes such as where he practiced his dancing with the skeleton, or, where Don set the timer on his watch in response to someone asking him to ‘give them a minute’.

Only one reader questioned the integrity of the novel, arguing that Simsion was irresponsible in his portrayal of Don Tillman, depicting him ambiguously as both an eccentric character and someone potentially on the autistic spectrum. By failing to research the matter carefully and write more thoughtfully about Don’s life experiences, this reader felt that Simsion offered an overly simplistic view of Asperger's syndrome.

However, other reading group members strongly disagreed with this assessment of the novel, with many describing it variously as heart-warming, poignant, and revealing. Most members felt that the novel raises awareness of a condition which is often poorly understood, and gives some insight into the challenges faced by those living with an autistic-spectrum condition; introducing them to a difficult subject in an accessible and memorable way. One reader reported that a friend, who is the mother of an autistic child, appreciated the book and ‘recognised every page’. And another member, who is herself the mother of an ‘Aspie’, found the story to be ‘fun, warm and loving’ and worth sharing with her son at bedtime.

One reader admitted feeling quite envious of Don’s uncluttered life – his carefully organised schedule and his daily meal plans, for example. In response, another reader mentioned that this more simple, streamlined way of living is garnering attention in certain quarters right now. The thinking behind it is that all decisions take energy to make and, if one makes the performance of non-important tasks automatic, one saves energy which can then be expended on things one considers more important.

While no one is rushing out to buy the sequel – The Rosie Effect – all those present (and those who sent in email reviews) found The Rosie Project to be a very enjoyable read. All save one member gave the book at least 6 out of 10, leading to an overall WCRG rating of 6.8.

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